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At Coppice, we use the objectives from the National Curriculum to support planning and to assess children’s progress. Members of staff at Coppice use long-term planning to ensure coverage of all areas of the National Curriculum and medium-term planning to adapt objectives according to the needs and abilities of their class. Members of staff are aware of the endpoints from each topic and year group.

The curriculum is ambitious for all, following a teaching for mastery approach. We want our pupils to adopt a 'can do' attitude to maths and an enjoyment in problem solving and reasoning. We do not want to cap learning; this is why we use this approach to the teaching of mathematics. The maths curriculum is broad and balanced with all staff having high expectations for our learners. 


At Coppice, we use and adapt the White Rose Schemes of Learning and Power Maths, which is written by mastery specialists and accredited by the Department of Education. Power Maths provides a logical way to structure the curriculum which is adapted in relation to the needs of the children. It builds on prior knowledge.

In classrooms, you will see:

  • Active learning
  • High level questioning
  • Same objective being taught but scaffolding for some
  • Manipulatives (where appropriate)
  • Key concepts, stem sentences and vocabulary on working walls to support learning
  • In books, you will see stem sentences being used when appropriate.
  • You might see children accessing different questions to meet the needs of different children in the class. Questioning is adapted to different year groups.

We use TTRock Stars to support pupils to secure their times tables in readiness for the Multiplication Check in the summer term of Year 4. Pupils work towards becoming a 'Rock Hero' to earn their badge of honour. To enhance the enjoyment of Maths we take part in NSPCC Number Day, Gifted and Talented Maths competitions with other schools, maths workshops and Rock Star day.


When curriculum content is learnt and the above being effectively implemented, learners will meet expectations. The Subject Lead monitors this and addresses it through book scrutiny, lesson observations, learning walks and feedback with Senior Management Team and class teachers.

Learners will have a positive attitude to Maths as an interesting part of the curriculum. They will develop a deeper understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and investigation. Learners develop personal qualities such as perseverance, independent thinking, co-operation and self-confidence through a sense of achievement and success. 

The teaching for mastery approach ensures that teachers adopt strategies so that all children can access the whole curriculum. At Coppice Academy, teachers and children emphasise number facts, precise mathematical language and full sentences. Supplementing Maths lessons with Power Maths help children use the correct vocabulary and use full sentences. Maths lessons develop children’s fluency and reasoning together. Through identifying key learning points and endpoints, lessons follow a coherent journey.