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The History curriculum is spread across year groups to allow for the development of skills and linked learning. Through fun, creative and engaging lessons, our children learn about significant people, events and places from both the recent and more distant past. They learn key skills such as how to look at a range of sources of information to help them investigate the past in depth. 

Early periods are studied in lower school (Stone Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age) and Ancient Non-British Civilisation in Year 4 and 5 to allow for links to British History already studied and develop knowledge of the wider world. Year 6 study WWII including an extended chronological study of the local area (Coventry) since 1939 and a detailed study of the impact of WWII on Coventry and the surrounding area. Historical skills have been mapped out for each historical topic studied and progression statements for each year group identified. Enquiry based learning and the use of historical enquiry style questioning alongside primary sources serves to capture the pupils' interest and engagement in the subject.

By the end of Year 6, pupils are expected to be able to have a detailed understanding of the political, social and economic impact of WWII on the local community and the wider world. They are expected to be able to independently plan and carry out a historical enquiry based on the impact of war on families in the local area.


History topics are largely linked to the English curriculum and shared  reading books link, where possible to historical periods being studied. Historical figures studied represent a diverse range of periods in time covering sport, the arts,  entrepreneurs and science.  Teachers subject knowledge is strong through partnership working with other schools and museums.  The majority of teachers spend time researching and developing their own subject knowledge.  Teaching and learning is memorable through it being practical and arts-based.  Teachers use artefacts, drama and art as a medium to teach about historical periods. Educational visits and visitors to the school as well as ‘dress up days’ and experience days all add to the pupils’ enjoyment of history.

History is generally taught under the ‘topic’ umbrella and is on average given an hour a week.  Some year groups choose to ‘block’ teach History whereas others teach the subject on a weekly basis. SEND pupils are supported through adapted resources and adult and peer support.


Pupils enjoy History.  They enjoy learning about different cultures and historical figures and significant events from the past, making links between topics studied. The curriculum is effective because it delivers a wide content range and allows the children to build on prior knowledge and skills taught and make links across historical periods.