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The Geography curriculum is spread across the year groups to allow for the development of skills and to link with topics across the year groups. Volcanoes are studied in Year 3 then Earthquakes in Year 6, this is to enable the progression of the development of map reading and compass reading skills. By the end of Year 6, pupils are expected to be able to use 6 figure grid references, OS Maps, Digital mapping resources, 8 points of a compass and discuss and compare physical and human features across the world in different climate zones. Geography topics have been linked to the English curriculum and  shared reading books link where possible to the geographical periods being studied. Geographical skills have been mapped out for each geographical topic studied and progression statements for each year group identified.

We want our pupils to have a sense of enjoyment across the school of geography.  Some educational visits are arranged around the geography curriculum to enhance and embed pupils' learning.


Geography is generally taught under the ‘topic’ umbrella and is on average given an hour a week.  Some year groups choose to ‘block’ teach Geography whereas others teach the subject on a weekly basis. Teaching and learning is memorable through it being practical and arts based.  Year 3 make physical volcanoes and ‘erupt them’ using geographical vocabulary as they create.  Teachers use computing, drama and art as a medium to teach Geography through. Knowledge organisers are used for pupils to develop geographical vocabulary and its meaning and deeper knowledge of places in the world studied.

Fieldwork is taught through a study of the local area and visit to Kingsbury Water Park. Map work skills are encouraged through our Orienteering programme set up around the school grounds. Staff are highly skilled and trained in using this.

The History and Geography Lead has attended a Local Authority Middle Leaders course. We have participated in collaborative staff meetings with other local schools, discussed the curriculum and shared good practice. Teachers subject knowledge is good and well supported by the subject lead.  There is a staff meeting allocated to Geography once a year.

SEND pupils are supported through differentiated resources and adult and peer support.


Pupils enjoy Geography.  They enjoy learning about different areas of the world and using atlases and globes. They are able to make links between the topics studied. The curriculum is effective because it delivers a wide content range and allows the children to build on the prior knowledge and skills taught to enable them to make links across Geographical topics.