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Inspiring Excellence

'Coppice Academy:

Est 1937'

Gifted & Talented

At Coppice we are committed to enhancing and extending the learning experiences of the more able. More able children are identified by teachers as:

“Those children and young people with one or more abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group (or with potential to develop those abilities).” The DCSF (Department for Children, Schools and Families), the predecessor of the Department for Education (DFE)

More able children’s talents may lie in one area of the curriculum or be more wide reaching. At Coppice, we are driven to provide these pupils with a high level of challenge. This drive for excellence starts in the classroom with the more able working on in depth, complex investigations and challenge activities. Further provision is through.

  • Children are set aspirational targets, which all teachers are committed to, to ensure children are successful.
  • More able musicians are able to learn a wide range of musical instruments, join one of the schools rock bands or the choir.
  • More able sports people excel at Coppice due to the wide range of before school, lunchtime and afterschool clubs. (for more information please see the clubs page).
  • Coding club provides opportunities for more able computer programmers.
  • Achievements gained out of school are encouraged and celebrated in Celebration Assembly every Friday morning.
  • Enrichment activities are offered to children in many areas of the curriculum. This year’s program of events can be seen below.
These are the workshops available.



Date        Title Focus Year Group
26th October MORE THAN BIG
Developing Logic & Reasoning.

Year 6



16th November POWERFUL WRITERS Using & comparing different forms of writing:
Story, Playscript, Diary and Poetry.
Year 6
1st February SCENE OF THE CRIME Problem Solving/Investigating and crime busting
with an emphasis on group & partner work.
Year 4
22nd February COMPOSING &
Poetry writing workshop. Year 5
Building and developing good short stories. Year 3
18th April EXTRAVAGANZA Choral event on a theme. Year 4-6
9th May HANDS ON HISTORY Artefact handling session
Discovering stories behind the artefacts.
Year 4
27 June NOT JUST NUMBERS Reasoning & Problem Solving. Year 3