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Inspiring Excellence

'Coppice Academy:

Est 1937'

Eco School


Eco-Council are a group of pupils who meet every fortnight with Mrs Didcote our Eco Lead, to discuss eco-friendly and environmental issues within school. This prepares children to live their future lives with consideration for global issues. There are two Eco Champions selected from each class. We are delighted to have achieved the Level 1 & 2 Greener Solihull Schools Award for our proactive Eco work.

Why do we have an Eco-Council?

To ensure our school is eco-friendly and enable pupils to reflect on the changes to our environment. This enables each class to have a platform to voice their opinions and discuss and raise issues related to the environment.

How do I become an Eco Champion?

At the beginning of each academic year, pupils who want to apply to become an Eco Champion, present themselves to their class with the reasons why they would make a good Eco champion. Pupils then vote for their favourite Eco Champion.

What happens in the meetings?

We start the year by completing an environmental review to find out our school’s successes and areas for improvement. We then use this to create an action plan for the upcoming year. Throughout the year, each Eco Champion will then meet with their class to discuss ideas about changes and improvements to the school. Any issues or suggestions are then raised in meetings and Eco Champions discuss how to move forward with these ideas.

Our Aims for this Academic Year 2023/2024
Following our review, we are committed to taking action to cut our carbon footprint in the following areas:

  • Energy use: such as running ‘switch off campaigns’ with staff and pupils.
  • School grounds: such as planting trees locally or on-site.
  • Travel: such as joining schemes and programmes to encourage cycling, scooting and walking.
  • Waste: such as sorting waste and composting on-site.
  • Other: we will be taking part in RSPB Wild Challenges throughout the year and promoting sustainability through teaching resources.
  • We will also be focusing on the Global Goals.


Energy monitoring – review December school energy usage.


Big Garden Bird Watch (26th-28th)

February Global Goal – No Hunger

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel (11th-22nd)


Great British Spring Clean (15th -31st)

World Water Day (22nd) Visit from Severn Trent

Litter picking

April Earth Day (22nd)
May Walk to School Week (13th-17th)
June Global Goal – Water Explorers